Client information
Country of origin
Dates information
Arrival date
Depart date
Not sure yet
Information about number of people
Number of people travellingNot sure yet
Number of people huntingNot sure yet
Stalking information
Deer SpeciesRed stags (1st July - 20th October)Red Hinds (21st October - 15th February)Sika Stags (1st July - 20th October)Sika Hinds (21st October - 15th February)Fallow Bucks (1st August - 30th April)Fallow Does (21st October - 15th February)Roe Bucks (1st April - 20th October)Roe Does (21st October - 31st March)
Location to stalkScotlandEnglandSpain
Number of days stalkingNot sure yet
Accomodation information
Will you need accommodationYesNot sure yetNo
How many nights will you be staying
What type of accomodation do you needHotelCottageHunting lodge
Airport transfers
Will you need to be picked up from Airport / Train stationNoYes
Will you need a return to the Airport / Train stationNoYes
Mobility during your stay
Will you need to hire a carNoYes
Firearms information
Will you bring your own rifleNoYes
Will you require an estate rifleNoYes
If you are overseas and bring own guns how many permits are required